
This is an old revision of the document!

OpenNIC Compatible Webspace Providers

  • Provider needs to accept free or paid sign-ups using an automated or semi-automated sign-up form, no closed/invite-only groups
  • Paid-only providers need to have “paid-only” included in the notes section
  • Providers should not require manual server-side setup, things should work “out of the box”
Provider Tested/Revisited Notes
FreeHostingEU.com 2018-04-18 by albino Requires a workaround, therefore not recommendable; see here for details.
GitHub Pages 2018-04-10 by albino See 'A record' instructions here. More info here.
Surge 2018-04-18 by ankit Requires Nodejs based command line client to upload static websites.Documentation. See http://ankit.libre.
Uberspace.de 2018-04-10 by fusl Website and panel are only available in German language
Flexible pricing, minimum price is €1 per month
Vercel 2021-11-26 by luqaska Works fine with CNAME and A records, but didn't try with NS ones
Tested at Interserver.net, should work as well with any CPanel hosting 2019-04-29 by antihierarchic Interserver.net itself doesn't allow to create non-ICANN domains through its own DNS manager, but: log into CPanel - add Domain (A record is created, check CPanel Zone editor), then add this A record for the domain in OpenNic registration panel - tested and works with be.libre (.dyn, .geek, .gopher, .indy, .libre, .oss, .parody -all exept .pirate - don't know why)
Provider Tested/Revisited Notes
Aternos 2021-11-26 by luqaska Minecraft server hosting
bplaced 2018-04-10 by fusl
FreeFlarum 2021-11-25 by luqaska Flarum forum hosting
They're not planning adding support to OpenNIC domains
FreeWHA 2018-04-13 by albino
InfinityFree 2021-11-26 by luqaska
lima-city 2018-04-10 by fusl Website and panel are only available in German language
Replit 2021-11-23 by luqaska
Square7 2018-04-10 by fusl
x10hosting 2018-04-13 by albino
Provider Notes
Amazon Web Services
GitLab Pages You can only start using it, after linking your credit card to your account
Google Cloud
Heroku You can only set up a custom domain after linking your credit card to your account
PythonAnywhere Only works with Python apps and to set up one, you have to have a paid plan
Hostinger Paid-only
Wiroos Website only available in Spanish
  • /wiki/data/attic/webspaceproviders.1639458823.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by luqaska