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opennic:dot [2019-09-13T21:49:18Z] – add TLS site okashi_oopennic:dot [2022-11-27T13:05:57Z] (current) – [OpenNIC Operated Top-Level Domains] Olde16
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 These are the Top-Level Domains (TLDs) which are currently being served by OpenNIC, are being constructed with the approval of OpenNIC or which have been proposed to OpenNIC. There are links to the appropriate Web and email contacts for those which are currently accepting domain name registrations. These are the Top-Level Domains (TLDs) which are currently being served by OpenNIC, are being constructed with the approval of OpenNIC or which have been proposed to OpenNIC. There are links to the appropriate Web and email contacts for those which are currently accepting domain name registrations.
-If you would like to contribute to the project by taking responsibility for organizing a new TLD, please see the [[creating_new_tlds|Registering A TLD]] page. This page is up to date and all links have been tested as of 2017-04-30, all blank entries are placeholders for information we could not definitely determine, or websites which were offline or not functional at the time.+If you would like to contribute to the project by taking responsibility for organizing a new TLD, please see the [[creating_new_tlds|Registering A TLD]] page. This page is up to date and all links have been tested as of 2022-11-27, all blank entries are placeholders for information we could not definitely determine, or websites which were offline or not functional at the time.
 FIXME We're still missing some information! If you can fill in some of the blanks that would be appreciated!  FIXME We're still missing some information! If you can fill in some of the blanks that would be appreciated! 
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 ^ Name                           ^ Introduction ^ Master ^ Contacts                                            ^ Website                                    ^ Intended Usage ^ ^ Name                           ^ Introduction ^ Master ^ Contacts                                            ^ Website                                    ^ Intended Usage ^
 ^ [[opennic:dot:bbs|.bbs]]       | 2000-12-29   | ns6    | [[texnofobix@gmail.com|Dustin Souers (texnofobix)]] | [[http://register.bbs/|register.bbs]]      | Bulletin Board System servers, and related BBS websites and services. | ^ [[opennic:dot:bbs|.bbs]]       | 2000-12-29   | ns6    | [[texnofobix@gmail.com|Dustin Souers (texnofobix)]] | [[http://register.bbs/|register.bbs]]      | Bulletin Board System servers, and related BBS websites and services. |
-^ [[opennic:dot:chan|.chan]]     | 2015-10-21   | ns5    |                                                     | [[http://opennic.chan/|opennic.chan]]      | A Top Level Domain "for imageboards and communities related to imageboard culture."+^ [[opennic:dot:chan|.chan]]     | 2015-10-21   | ns5    | FIXME | [[http://opennic.chan/|opennic.chan]]      | A Top Level Domain "for imageboards and communities related to imageboard culture."
-^ [[opennic:dot:cyb|.cyb]]       | 2017-08-14   | ns12   | [[albino@autistici.org|Al Beano]]\\ [[sy@zm.is|sy]] |[[http://opennic.cyb|opennic.cyb]], [[https://cyb.uptime.party|cyb.uptime.party]] (TLS) | A TLD for cyberpunk-related content|+^ [[opennic:dot:cyb|.cyb]]       | 2017-08-14   | ns12   | [[albino@autistici.org|Al Beano]]\\ [[sy@zm.is|sy]] | FIXME | A TLD for cyberpunk-related content|
 ^ [[opennic:dot:dyn|.dyn]]       | 2014-05-30   | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Dynamic DNS pointers. | ^ [[opennic:dot:dyn|.dyn]]       | 2014-05-30   | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Dynamic DNS pointers. |
 ^ [[opennic:dot:epic|.epic]]     | 2019-09-03   | ns13   | [[okashi@okashi.me|Okashi]]                         | [[http://opennic.epic|opennic.epic]], [[https://epic.okashi.me|epic.okashi.me]] (TLS)       | A general purpose domain for anything "epic" | ^ [[opennic:dot:epic|.epic]]     | 2019-09-03   | ns13   | [[okashi@okashi.me|Okashi]]                         | [[http://opennic.epic|opennic.epic]], [[https://epic.okashi.me|epic.okashi.me]] (TLS)       | A general purpose domain for anything "epic" |
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 ^ [[opennic:dot:indy|.indy]]     | FIXME        | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Independent media and arts. | ^ [[opennic:dot:indy|.indy]]     | FIXME        | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Independent media and arts. |
 ^ [[opennic:dot:libre|.libre]]   | 2017-01-03   | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Organizations that encourage the Non-Commercial use of the Free Internet. | ^ [[opennic:dot:libre|.libre]]   | 2017-01-03   | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Organizations that encourage the Non-Commercial use of the Free Internet. |
-^ [[opennic:dot:neo|.neo]]       | FIXME        | ns3    | [[neo-domainreg@4195tech.com|Neo]]                  | [[http://register.neo|register.neo]]       | General purpose, leaning towards themes present in the 'emo subculture' |+^ [[opennic:dot:neo|.neo]]       | FIXME        | ns3    | [[neo-domainreg@4195tech.com|Neo]]                  | FIXME       | General purpose, leaning towards themes present in the 'emo subculture' |
 ^ [[opennic:dot:null|.null]]     | FIXME        | ns10   | [[opennic@bambusoft.com|Mario Rodriguez]]               | [[http://reg.null|reg.null]]               | Completely non-commercial and only natural persons. | ^ [[opennic:dot:null|.null]]     | FIXME        | ns10   | [[opennic@bambusoft.com|Mario Rodriguez]]               | [[http://reg.null|reg.null]]               | Completely non-commercial and only natural persons. |
-^ [[opennic:dot:o|.o]]           | 2016-11-28   | ns11   | [[user:jonaharagon|Jonah Aragon]]                   | [[https://moderntld.com|moderntld.com]]    | General purpose. |+^ [[opennic:dot:o|.o]]           | 2016-11-28   | ns11   | [[user:jonaharagon|Jonah Aragon]]                   | [[https://github.com/moderntld/.o|github.com/moderntld/.o]]    | General purpose. |
 ^ [[opennic:dot:oss|.oss]]       | FIXME        | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Exclusively for Open Source Software. | ^ [[opennic:dot:oss|.oss]]       | FIXME        | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Exclusively for Open Source Software. |
-^ [[opennic:dot:oz|.oz]]         | 2012-06-11   | ns10                                                       | [[http://opennic.oz/|opennic.oz]]          | Australian websites (alt-ccTLD) |+^ [[opennic:dot:oz|.oz]]         | 2012-06-11   | ns10   FIXME | [[http://opennic.oz/|opennic.oz]]          | Australian websites (alt-ccTLD) |
 ^ [[opennic:dot:parody|.parody]] | FIXME        | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | This domain is a venue for non-commercial parody work. | ^ [[opennic:dot:parody|.parody]] | FIXME        | ns2    | [[shdwdrgn@sourpuss.net|Jeff Taylor]]               | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | This domain is a venue for non-commercial parody work. |
-^ [[opennic:dot:pirate|.pirate]] | FIXME        | ns2    | [[teamcoltra@gmail.com|Travis McCrea]]              |                                            | Internet Freedom and sharing. |+^ [[opennic:dot:pirate|.pirate]] | FIXME        | ns2    | [[teamcoltra@gmail.com|Travis McCrea]]              | [[http://be.libre|be.libre]]               | Internet Freedom and sharing. |
 ===== Inactive Top-Level Domains ===== ===== Inactive Top-Level Domains =====
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 These TLDs are accessible from the OpenNIC network but not managed by OpenNIC, instead you should contact their respective organization. These TLDs are accessible from the OpenNIC network but not managed by OpenNIC, instead you should contact their respective organization.
-^ Authority                               ^ Name                              ^ Intended Usage ^ Master/Name Servers ^ +^ Authority                               ^ Name                              ^ Intended Usage ^ Master/Name Servers ^ IP-Address ^ Notice 
-^ [[https://emercoin.com/|Emercoin]]      | .bazar                            | Free marketplace | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com | +^ [[https://emercoin.com/|Emercoin]]      | .bazar                            | Free marketplace | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com |\\ | ''NXDOMAIN'', ConfigErr\\ :!: 
-^ :::                                     | .coin                             | Digital currency and commerce websites | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com | +^ :::                                     | .coin                             | Digital currency and commerce websites | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com |\\ | ''NXDOMAIN'', ConfigErr\\ :!: 
-^ :::                                     | .emc                              | Websites associated with the Emercoin project | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com | +^ :::                                     | .emc                              | Websites associated with the Emercoin project | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com |\\ | ''NXDOMAIN'', ConfigErr\\ :!: 
-^ :::                                     | .lib                              | From Words Library and Liberty - that is, knowledge and freedom | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com | +^ :::                                     | .lib                              | From Words Library and Liberty - that is, knowledge and freedom | seed1.emercoin.com\\ seed2.emercoin.com |\\ | ''NXDOMAIN'', ConfigErr\\ :!: 
-^ [[http://www.nic.fur/|FurNIC]]          | .fur((Originally an OpenNIC TLD)) | Furries, Furry Fandom and other Anthropormorphic interest websites | ns11.nic.fur | +^ [[http://www.nic.fur/|FurNIC]]          | .fur((Originally an OpenNIC TLD)) | Furries, Furry Fandom and other Anthropormorphic interest websites | ns8.nic.fur\\ ns10.nic.fur\\ ns12.nic.fur\\ ns13.nic.fur\\ ns15.nic.fur |\\\\\\\\ 2a01:4f8:221:1e01::1f:12 | ''Operational'' 
-^ [[http://new-nations.net/|New Nations]] | .ku                               | Kurdish people | ns1.new-nations.ku\\ ns2.new-nations.ku | +^ [[http://new-nations.net/|New Nations]] | .ku                               | Kurdish people | ns1.new-nations.ku\\ ns2.new-nations.ku |\\ | ''TimedOut'', Service Unreachable\\ :!:\\ Try: ns2.opennic.glue 
-^ :::                                     | .te                               | Tamil Eelam | ns1.new-nations.ku\\ ns2.new-nations.ku +^ :::                                     | .te                               | Tamil Eelam | ns1.new-nations.te\\ ns2.new-nations.te |\\ | ''TimedOut'', Service Unreachable\\ :!:\\ Try: ns2.opennic.glue 
-^ :::                                     | .ti                               | Tibet | ns1.new-nations.ku\\ ns2.new-nations.ku +^ :::                                     | .ti                               | Tibet | ns1.new-nations.ti\\ ns2.new-nations.ti |\\ | ''TimedOut'', Service Unreachable\\ :!:\\ Try: ns2.opennic.glue 
-^ :::                                     | .uu                               | Uyghur people | ns1.new-nations.ku\\ ns2.new-nations.ku |+^ :::                                     | .uu                               | Uyghur people | ns1.new-nations.uu\\ ns2.new-nations.uu\\ | ''TimedOut'', Service Unreachable\\ :!:\\ Try: ns2.opennic.glue | 
 +^ :::                                     | .ko                               | Internal use | ns1.new-nations.ko\\ ns2.new-nations.ko |\\ | ''TimedOut'', Service Unreachable\\ :!:\\ Try: ns2.opennic.glue | 
 +^ :::                                     | .rm                               | Internal use | ns1.new-nations.rm\\ ns2.new-nations.rm |\\ | ''TimedOut'', Service Unreachable\\ :!:\\ Try: ns2.opennic.glue | 
 +For a complete zone set ready to use visit: [[opennic:t2slaved|Slaved Zones with BIND9]]
 ===== Technical Zones ===== ===== Technical Zones =====
  • /wiki/data/attic/opennic/dot.1568411358.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by okashi_o