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opennic:infra:wiki [2017-10-18T15:17:40Z] fuslopennic:infra:wiki [2019-04-23T08:59:41Z] (current) fusl
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 ===== The Infrastructure ===== ===== The Infrastructure =====
-The wiki.opennic.org website runs on [[https://aws.amazon.com/|Amazon Web Services (AWS)]] infrastructure and uses various services offered by AWS in the us-east-1 (US East (N. Virginia)) [[http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html|region]]:+The wiki.opennic.org website runs as simple virtual machine on Fusl's private infrastructure for open source projects shared with [[https://www.archiveteam.org/|Archive Team]] and others at [[https://nforce.com/|NFOrce]] in the Netherlands (Nedzone Datacenter).
-==== Elastic File System ==== 
-The [[https://aws.amazon.com/efs/|EFS service]] is used to store all wiki pages, configurations, attachments, etc. on a scalable, shared filesystem using NFS as protocol.  
-  * Endpoint: ''fs-ee48faa7.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'' 
-==== ElastiCache ==== 
-[[https://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/|ElastiCache]] stores all PHP sessions in a single Memcached instance to ensure session and login-state persistency and reliability across all floating wiki.opennic.org webserver instances. 
-  * Endpoint: ''prod-wiki-sess.xqtznt.cfg.use1.cache.amazonaws.com:11211'' 
-==== Auto Scaling ==== 
-To automatically scale the wiki instances to the desired performance and to ensure reliability even on instance failures, we use an [[https://aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/|Auto Scaling]] group which handles automatic scaling at your desire. 
-=== Details === 
-  * Auto Scaling Group: ''prod-wiki'' 
-  * Launch Configuration: ''prod-wiki-20170909'' 
-  * Load Balancers: - 
-  * Target Groups: ''prod-wiki'' 
-  * Desired: ''2'' 
-  * Min: ''2'' 
-  * Max: ''20'' 
-  * Health Check Type: ''ELB'' 
-  * Health Check Grace Period: ''180'' 
-  * Termination Policies: ''OldestLaunchConfiguration'', ''ClosestToNextInstanceHour'', ''Default'' 
-  * Creation Time: ''Fri Apr 21 21:26:39 GMT+000 2017'' 
-  * Availability Zone(s): ''us-east-1a'', ''us-east-1b'', ''us-east-1d'', ''us-east-1e'' 
-  * Subnet(s): ''subnet-da5ebb80'',''subnet-94dd05dc'',''subnet-5f440563'',''subnet-74fc1258'' 
-  * Default Cooldown: ''180'' 
-  * Placement Group: - 
-  * Suspended Processes: - 
-  * Enabled Metrics: ''GroupPendingInstances'', ''GroupTotalInstances'', ''GroupInServiceInstances'', ''GroupDesiredCapacity'', ''GroupMaxSize'', ''GroupTerminatingInstances'', ''GroupMinSize'', ''GroupStandbyInstances'' 
-  * Instance Protection: - 
-=== Scaling Policies === 
-== prod-wiki-high == 
-  * Policy type: ''Simple scaling'' 
-  * Execute policy when: ''prod-wiki-high'' (breaches the alarm threshold: ''TargetResponseTime >= 1'' for ''300'' seconds for the metric dimensions ''LoadBalancer = app/prod-wiki/0ec4b8b4601b350c'') 
-  * Take the action: ''Add 2 instances'' 
-  * And then wait: ''180 seconds before allowing another scaling activity'' 
-== prod-wiki-low == 
-  * Policy type: ''Simple scaling'' 
-  * Execute policy when: ''prod-wiki-low'' (breaches the alarm threshold: ''TargetResponseTime <= 0.5'' for ''300'' seconds for the metric dimensions ''LoadBalancer = app/prod-wiki/0ec4b8b4601b350c'') 
-  * Take the action: ''Remove 1 instances'' 
-  * And then wait: ''180 seconds before allowing another scaling activity'' 
-=== Tags === 
-^ Key ^ Value ^ Tag New Instances ^ 
-| Name | prod-wiki | Yes | 
-=== Launch Configuration === 
-  * AMI: //AMI created by [[https://github.com/opennic/packers/tree/master/opennic-wiki|opennic-wiki packer]]// 
-  * Instance type: ''t2.nano'' (t2.nano (Variable ECUs, 1 vCPUs, 2.4 GHz, Intel Xeon Family, 0.5 GiB memory, EBS only)) 
-  * Name: ''prod-wiki-20170506-4'' 
-  * Request Spot Instances - Request Spot Instances: No 
-  * IAM role: ''None'' 
-  * Monitoring - Enable CloudWatch detailed monitoring: No 
-  * Kernel ID: ''Use default'' 
-  * RAM Disk ID: ''Use default'' 
-  * User data (As text): - 
-  * IP Address Type: ''Assign a public IP address to every instance.'' 
-  * Storage 
-    * Volume Type: ''Root'' 
-    * Device: ''/dev/sda1'' 
-    * Snapshot: ''snap-066a4d67938024381'' 
-    * Size (GiB): ''8'' 
-    * Volume Type: ''Magnetic'' 
-    * IOPS: ''N/A'' 
-    * Throughput: ''N/A'' 
-    * Delete on Termination: Yes 
-    * Encrypted: No 
-  * Security group: ''sg-3eccfc41'' 
-==== Elastic Load Balancer ==== 
-An [[https://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/|Elastic Load Balancer]] distributes HTTP queries to wiki.opennic.org across all instances in the auto scaling group. 
-  * Basic Configuration 
-    * Name: ''prod-wiki'' 
-    * ARN: ''arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:110568221216:loadbalancer/app/prod-wiki/0ec4b8b4601b350c'' 
-    * DNS name: ''prod-wiki-1538888183.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com'' 
-    * Scheme: ''internet-facing'' 
-    * Type: ''application'' 
-    * Availability Zones: ''subnet-5f440563 - us-east-1e'', ''subnet-74fc1258 - us-east-1d'', ''subnet-94dd05dc - us-east-1a'', ''subnet-da5ebb80 - us-east-1b'' 
-    * Creation time: ''April 21, 2017 at 09:21:32 PM UTC+0'' 
-    * Hosted zone: ''Z35SXDOTRQ7X7K'' 
-    * State: ''active'' 
-    * VPC: ''vpc-64c5d102'' 
-    * IP address type: ''dualstack'' 
-    * AWS WAF Web ACL: - 
-  * Security 
-    * Security groups: ''sg-095e6d76'' 
-  * Attributes 
-    * Deletion protection: ''Disabled'' 
-    * Idle timeout: ''60 seconds'' 
-    * Access logs: ''Disabled'' 
-  * Listeners 
-    * Listener 1 
-      * ARN: ''arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:110568221216:listener/app/prod-wiki/0ec4b8b4601b350c/7ce4c2f1d63a6d38'' 
-      * Protocol: ''HTTP'' 
-      * Port: ''80'' 
-      * Default target group: ''prod-wiki'' 
-    * Listener 2 
-      * ARN: ''arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:110568221216:listener/app/prod-wiki/0ec4b8b4601b350c/1d209761648cd7dc'' 
-      * Protocol: ''HTTPS (Secure HTTP)'' 
-      * Port: ''443'' 
-      * Default target group: ''prod-wiki'' 
-      * Certificate type: ''Choose an existing certificate from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)'' 
-      * Certificate name: ''wiki.opennic.org (arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:110568221216:certificate/0184f12e-ae11-4e74-8ba6-ad7a3bd7c846)'' 
-      * Security policy: ''ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01'' 
-  * Monitoring - CloudWatch alarms 
-    * prod-wiki-high 
-      * ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01: - 
-      * Whenever: ''Average Latency'' 
-      * Is: ''>='' ''1,000'' 
-      * For at least: ''1'' consecutive period(s) of ''5 Minutes'' 
-    * prod-wiki-low 
-      * ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01: - 
-      * Whenever: ''Average Latency'' 
-      * Is: ''<='' ''500'' 
-      * For at least: ''1'' consecutive period(s) of ''5 Minutes'' 
 ==== git sync ==== ==== git sync ====
-The entire web root directory is synced to [[https://github.com/opennic/wikipages|GitHub]] approximately every 60 minutes using a [[https://github.com/opennic/packers/blob/master/opennic-wiki/files-pre/etc/cron.hourly/gitsync|crontab script]] deployed when building the AWS AMI using our [[https://github.com/opennic/packers/tree/master/opennic-wiki|Packer deployment definitions]]. Some files are [[https://github.com/opennic/wikipages/blob/master/.gitignore|not synced]] to the repository.+The entire web root directory is synced to [[https://github.com/opennic/wikipages|GitHub]] approximately every 60 minutes using a [[https://github.com/opennic/packers/blob/master/opennic-wiki/files-pre/etc/cron.hourly/gitsync|crontab script]]. Some files are [[https://github.com/opennic/wikipages/blob/master/.gitignore|excluded]] from being synchronized to the git repository.
  • /wiki/data/pages/opennic/infra/wiki.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by fusl