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In this example BIND9 configuration, zones are stored in directories "/etc/bind/zones" and "/etc/bind/zones/slaves". A Tier 1 BIND9 server may be deployed using other directories. BIND9 directories are different in different computer operating systems. Run BIND9 in a chroot jail. Tier 1 servers are listed as 'master' in each zone for redundancy. Begin with the '.' root zone; add the following directive statement, to the BIND9 ("named") configuration file "named.conf". == named.conf: == <code> zone "." { type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/db.root"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> Below are the zones for each OpenNIC TLD. Add these to the //named// configuration file; "named.conf". == opennic.glue == <code> zone "opennic.glue" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == dns.opennic.glue == <code> zone "dns.opennic.glue" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == geek == <code> zone "geek" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == free == <code> zone "free" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == indy == <code> zone "indy" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == parody == <code> zone "parody" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == bbs == <code> zone "bbs" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == fur == <code> zone "fur" IN { type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == null == <code> zone "null" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == oss == <code> zone "oss" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == ing == <code> zone "ing" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == dyn == <code> zone "dyn" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == gopher == <code> zone "gopher" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == micro == <code> zone "micro" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == neo == <code> zone "neo" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == pirate == <code> zone "pirate" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> == oz == <code> zone "oz" IN{ type slave; file "/etc/bind/zones/slaves/"; masters {; }; allow-transfer { any; }; notify no; }; </code> Remember that once done, restart bind! Lets go through turning on some logging for your bind9 DNS server. These logs are interesting to look through, but should not be archived. If you wish to archive them, I have provided a perl script written by Brianko which will remove all IP addresses and replace them with XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. It is important that we protect our members right to browse the internet in complete privacy, so the use of this perl script is highly encouraged. To turn on logging, open ''named.conf.options'' in your favourite text editor and add the below to the end of the file: <code> logging { channel "misc" { file "/var/log/misc.log" versions 2 size 25M; severity info; print-severity no; print-category yes; print-time yes; }; channel "querylog" { file "/var/log/named.log" versions 2 size 25M; severity info; print-severity no; print-category no; print-time yes; }; category "queries" { "querylog"; }; category default { "misc"; }; }; </code> Depending on your bind setup(we always recommend chroot), the log dir can live in two locations. In a chroot setup it is at /var/lib/named/var/log and in a normal install it is at ''/var/log/''. You know how yours is installed, so go to the log dir, and issue: <code> # touch named.log # chown bind:bind named.log # touch misc.log # chown misc.log </code> Here is that script that Brianko wrote: <code> #! /usr/bin/perl # # - Obfuscate IP addresses in a file # # cat some.log | > some_blurred.log # ##################################################################### use strict; while(<STDIN>) { s/\d{1,3}(\.|-)\d{1,3}(\.|-)\d{1,3}(\.|-)\d{1,3}/XX$1XX$2XX$3XX/g; print $_; } </code> Its easy to add this to a script! Below is what I previously used; <code> #!/bin/sh date=`date +%d` current=`date +%d%m%y` if [ "$(echo $date)" = 01 ];then tar cfvz /var/log/named/named.$current.tar.gz /var/log/named/*.log.* rm /var/log/named/*.log.* fi cat /var/lib/named/var/log/named.log | /usr/local/bin/ > /var/log/named/named.log.$current rm /var/lib/named/var/log/named.log touch /var/lib/named/var/log/named.log chown bind:bind /var/lib/named/var/log/named.log /etc/init.d/bind9 restart </code> I now use the logrotate method to clean my log files. I use syslog-ng, so I added the below entry to ''/etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng'' <code> /var/lib/named/var/log/named-query.log { rotate 7 daily compress prerotate /usr/local/bin/ endscript } </code> I hope (likely in vain) that this guide has assisted (even though the the preface states that it is totally outdated) getting your Tier 1 server ready for your new TLD. Remember to follow the instructions on creating a new TLD in case you have not yet had your TLD approved for use within OpenNIC by vote of the membership. [[opennic:creating_new_tlds]] /wiki/data/pages/opennic/tier1setup.txt Last modified: 4 years agoby Shdwdrgn