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user:fouroh-llc [2020-03-19T15:59:14Z] fouroh-llcuser:fouroh-llc [2020-03-19T16:00:05Z] (current) fouroh-llc
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 ===== Factory 4.0 Open Initiative, LLC. ===== ===== Factory 4.0 Open Initiative, LLC. =====
-I am the Founder and the first Technology Evangelist of FourOh-LLC, a Linux User Group purposed to be relevant in the  Manufacturing and Warehousing Sectors. The project is being documented at am the Founder and the first Technology Evangelist of Factory 4.0 Open Initiative, LLC. (or FourOh-LLC for short), a Linux User Group purposed to be relevant in the  Manufacturing and Warehousing Sectors. The project is being documented at
 FourOh-LLC is based on the concept of Linux User Groups, with focus on Manufacturing and the Warehouse, and with the purpose to stay self-sufficient. The current cost of the technology stack is about 160 USD / year, spent on Domain Registration, VPS rental and backup service fees. Self-sufficient means that when you build and use FourOh-LLC the owner-operator, who is part of the FourOh-LLC network, is able to visit your shop to help with Information Technology and Support (production machines and databases, environmental scrubbing, data collection, factory heat-maps, etc.) The 160.00 USD / year is earned this way, within a few hours each year. All profit above the 160 USD maybe used to install additional FourOh-LLC nodes, or taken as profit. FourOh-LLC is based on the concept of Linux User Groups, with focus on Manufacturing and the Warehouse, and with the purpose to stay self-sufficient. The current cost of the technology stack is about 160 USD / year, spent on Domain Registration, VPS rental and backup service fees. Self-sufficient means that when you build and use FourOh-LLC the owner-operator, who is part of the FourOh-LLC network, is able to visit your shop to help with Information Technology and Support (production machines and databases, environmental scrubbing, data collection, factory heat-maps, etc.) The 160.00 USD / year is earned this way, within a few hours each year. All profit above the 160 USD maybe used to install additional FourOh-LLC nodes, or taken as profit.
  • /wiki/data/pages/user/fouroh-llc.txt
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by fouroh-llc