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user:gp68:unbound [2024-09-02T16:53:38Z] – created gp68user:gp68:unbound [2024-09-03T11:03:59Z] (current) gp68
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Unbound Howto ====== ====== Unbound Howto ======
 +This setup is build as an example to work as tier1 or tier2 server. \\
 +There is an update script which sets up all slave zones and does an tier1 anmd tiar2 server test after update. \\
 +The update script also checks dnssec basics and updates the files in git. \\
 +///etc/unbound// is a git repository in my setup.
 ===== Base setup ===== ===== Base setup =====
 +<file txt unbound.conf>
 + verbosity: 1
 + log-queries: no
 + port: 53
 + # ----------------------
 + # optimizations
 +        # adjust for your needs
 + # ----------------------
 + num-threads: 2
 + msg-cache-slabs: 2
 +    rrset-cache-slabs: 2
 +    infra-cache-slabs: 2
 +    key-cache-slabs: 2
 + so-reuseport: yes
 + key-cache-size: 8m # default 4m
 + neg-cache-size: 2m # default 1m
 + rrset-cache-size: 100m # rrset=msg*2 # default 4m
 + msg-cache-size: 50m # default 4m
 + # depends on number of cores: 1024/cores - 50
 + outgoing-range: 462
 + num-queries-per-thread: 231 # outgoing-range/2
 + so-rcvbuf: 4m
 + so-sndbuf: 4m
 + outgoing-num-tcp: 100 #default 10
 + incoming-num-tcp: 100 #default 10
 + stream-wait-size: 8m #default 4m
 + # ----------------------
 +        # can be set to 0 if you don't need
 +        #
 + statistics-interval: 1200
 + # ----------------------
 + port: 53
 + interface:
 + interface: ::0
 +        #
 +        # tls setup get ssl keys from letsencrypt
 +        # 
 + interface:
 + interface: ::0@853
 + tls-service-key: /etc/unbound/privkey.pem
 + tls-service-pem: /etc/unbound/fullchain.pem
 +        # i don't like files :-) 
 + use-syslog: yes
 +        # -------------------------------------
 +        # for the first start update files
 +        # named.cache.opennic and opennic.dnskey
 +        # manually
 +        # -------------------------------------
 + # drill . ns @ > named.cache.opennic
 + # dig -t DNSKEY . @ | dnssec-dsfromkey -1 -f - . > opennic.dnskey
 + # dig -t DNSKEY . @ | dnssec-dsfromkey -2 -f - . > opennic.dnskey
 + root-hints: "/etc/unbound/named.cache.opennic"
 + trust-anchor-file: "/etc/unbound/opennic.dnskey"
 +        # --------------------------------------------------
 + # dnssec not working at the moment for all domains
 +        # --------------------------------------------------
 + harden-dnssec-stripped: no
 + harden-glue:  no
 + aggressive-nsec: no
 +        # access control for everyone ai and ipv6
 + access-control: allow
 + access-control: ::0/0 allow
 + # no identity needed
 + hide-identity: yes
 + identity: ""
 + hide-version: yes
 + version:  "0.0"
 + tls-system-cert: yes
 +        # DOS protection
 + #ip-ratelimit-factor: 10
 +    #ip-ratelimit: 60
 +    ratelimit: 100
 +        # ---------------------------------------
 +        # for start make am empty file
 +        # will be updated by refresh script
 +        # 
 + include: /etc/unbound/opennic_server.conf
 + #
 +# enable control via locahhost
 + control-enable: yes
 +include: /etc/unbound/opennic_domains.conf
 ===== Refresh script ===== ===== Refresh script =====
 +Gets the opennic root nameserver from the web
 +<file perl>
 +use strict;
 +use warnings;
 +use XML::Parser;
 +use Data::Dumper;
 +my @bla = `wget --no-check-certificate -q -O -`;
 +my $done=0;
 +my $res="";
 +while ( @bla ) {
 +    my $l = shift @bla;
 +    unless ($done) {
 + if ( $l =~ /opennic\.glue/ ) {
 +     $done++;
 +     $res = $l;
 + }
 +    }
 +$res =~ s/\<p\>//g;
 +$res =~ s/\<\/p\>//g;
 +$res =~ s/\<span\>//g;
 +$res =~ s/\<\/span\>//g;
 +$res =~ s/\<span\sclass=\'host\'[^\>]+\>//g;
 +$res =~ s/\<a.+\>(.+)\<\/a\>//;
 +$res =~ s/\<wbr\>/:/g;
 +if ( $res =~ /\>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\</ ) {
 +    print $1 . "\n";
 +if ( $res =~ /\>([0-9A-Fa-f]+:\S+)\</ ) {
 +    print $1 . "\n";
 +Refreshes the files
 +  * opennic.dnskey          ( dnssec root key )
 +  * named.cache.opennic     ( dns root cache )
 +  * opennic_server.conf     ( allow unsecure dnssec queries for opennic domains )
 +  * opennic_domains.conf    ( opennic zones secondary )
 +The script locks for single usage and checks the serial of the root zone for changes.
 +<file bash>
 +# arch linux packets needed:
 +# - ldns
 +# - unbound
 +# - gawk
 +# - coreutils
 +# - grep
 +DIG="/usr/bin/drill -t -r /etc/unbound/named.cache.opennic"
 +MYIP='<please set me>'
 +if [ "$MYIP" = "<please set me>" ] ; then
 +   echo "set varieble MYIP in this script"
 +   exit 1
 +cd `dirname $0`
 +# Make sure only one copy runs at a time
 +r=$($PRINTF %05d $RANDOM)
 +sleep ${r:0:1}.${r:1:5}
 +if [ -f $LOCK ]; then
 +    last_serial=$(cat $LOCK)
 +    dt=$((`date +%s` - `date -r $LOCK +%s`))
 +    if [ $dt -lt 600 ]; then
 + echo "Last run ${dt}s < 600s left"
 + exit 0;
 +    else
 + echo "Last run ${dt}s"
 +    fi
 +touch $LOCK
 +# first get any tier1 server to start
 +NS=( $(./ )
 +echo -n "Opennic tier1 Server: "
 +for ns in "${NS[@]}"; do
 +    echo -n "$ns "
 +    soa=$($DIG -Q SOA . @$ns)
 +    if [ "$soa" ]; then NS0=$(echo $soa | awk '{print $1}') ; break ; fi
 +if [ ! "$NS0" ]; then
 +    echo "No Opennic tier1 server could not be reached -- aborting!" >&2
 +    exit 1
 +# get master server 
 +NS0=$(echo $NS0 | awk '{print $1}')
 +echo -n "Master openic server: $NS0 ("
 +# get ip from master server
 +NS=( $(drill -Q @$ns ns0.opennic.glue.) )
 +for ns in "${NS[@]}"; do
 +    if [ "$soa" ]; then NS0=$ns ; break ; fi
 +if [ ! "$NS0" ]; then
 +    echo "could not be reached -- aborting!" >&2
 +    exit 1
 +echo "$NS0)"
 +soa=$($DIG -Q SOA . @$NS0)
 +serial=$(echo $soa | awk '{ print $3}')
 +refresh=$(echo $soa | awk '{ print $4}')
 +echo "Serial: $serial"
 +echo "Refresh: $refresh"
 +echo $serial > $LOCK
 +if [ -z "$last_serial" ] ; then
 +    last_serial=0
 +if [ $last_serial == $serial ]; then
 +    echo "No Update needed serial not changed"
 +    exit 0
 +dig . ns @${NS0} > $CF
 +echo "Updated $CF"
 +dig -t DNSKEY . @${NS0} | dnssec-dsfromkey -1 -f - . > $KF
 +dig -t DNSKEY . @${NS0} | dnssec-dsfromkey -2 -f - . >> $KF     
 +cp $KF /etc/trusted-key.key
 +echo "Updated $KF and /etc/trusted-key.key"
 +# Start printing the new file
 +# Collect list of TLDs
 +TXT=(dns.opennic.glue $($DIG -Q @$NS0 TXT tlds.opennic.glue | tr -d '"'))
 +IFS=$'\n' TLDS=($(sort <<<${TXT[*]}))
 +if [ "${TLDS[*]}" == "dns.opennic.glue" ]; then
 +    echo "Failed to obtain list of TLDs" >&2
 +    rm -f $LOCK
 +    exit 1
 +    echo "TLDS: ${TLDS[*]}" >&2
 +echo "#" > $DF 
 +echo "# OpenNIC zone config - file created by $HOSTNAME" >> $DF
 +echo "# Generated on `date '+%A, %d %b %Y at %T'`" >> $DF
 +echo "#" >> $DF
 +echo "#" > $SF
 +echo "# OpenNIC server config for opennic - file created by $HOSTNAME" >> $SF
 +echo "# Generated on `date '+%A, %d %b %Y at %T'`" >> $SF
 +echo "#" >> $SF
 +for TLD in "${TLDS[@]}" ; do
 +    if [ $TLD != '.' ]; then
 + echo -n 'domain-insecure: "' >> $SF
 + echo -n $TLD >> $SF
 + echo '"' >> $SF
 +    fi
 +    # Check if this zone is mastered by this server
 +    zone="$TLD.opennic.glue"
 +    if [ "$TLD" == "." ]; then
 + zone="" ;
 +    fi
 +    master=($($DIG -Q TXT $zone. @$NS0 | sed 's/"//g' | $GREP ^ns) ns0.opennic.glue.)
 +    echo "TLD $TLD master = ${master[*]}"
 +    # Begin printing the zone config
 +    echo >> $DF
 +    echo "auth-zone:" >> $DF
 +    echo "   name: $TLD" >> $DF
 +    if [ $TLD == '.' ]; then
 + echo "   zonefile: sec/" >> $DF
 +    else
 + echo "   zonefile: sec/${TLD}.zone" >> $DF
 +    fi
 +    echo "   for-downstream: no" >> $DF
 +    # Collect a list of master nameservers for the zone
 +    for mm in "${master[@]}" ; do
 + mm=$(echo $mm | $SED 's/\.$//')
 + ns=$(echo $mm | $CUT -d. -f1 | $SED 's/ns//')
 + AT="@$myDNS"
 + if [ "$ns" == "0" ]; then AT="@$NS0"; fi
 + if [ "$AT" == "@" ]; then AT=""; fi
 + # If this is an unknown NS, query its IPs
 + if [ ! "${RES[$ns]}" ]; then
 +     A4=$($DIG -Q A $mm $AT)
 +     A6=$($DIG -Q AAAA $mm $AT)
 +     RES[$ns]="${A4[@]} ${A6[@]}"
 + fi
 + read -a IP <<< ${RES[$ns]}
 + # Print all IPs for all nameservers
 + for addr in "${IP[@]}" ; do
 +     echo "   master: $addr" >> $DF
 + done
 +    done
 +    echo >> $DF
 +echo "Updated $DF $SF"
 +unbound-control reload_keep_cache
 +echo "Restarted unbound"
 +sleep 10
 +wget -q --no-check-certificate -O test.txt "$MYIP"
 +if [ $(cat test.txt | perl -n -e 'if ( $p == 1 ) { /Passed/ && print "OK\n" ; $p = 0; } else { if ( /Test results:/ ) { $p=1; } }') != 'OK' ] ; then
 +    echo "Opennic Tier1 TEST FAILED"
 +    rm -f test.txt
 +    exit 1
 +    echo "Opennic Tier1 TEST OK"
 +    rm -f test.txt
 +sleep 10
 +wget -q --no-check-certificate -O test.txt "$MYIP&ns=$MYIP"
 +if [ $(cat test.txt | perl -n -e '/Server\sstatus(.*)$/ && print $1;'  | perl -n -e '/\[(.+)\]/ && print $1;') != '100%' ] ; then
 +    echo "Opennic Tier2 TEST FAILED"
 +    rm -f test.txt
 +    exit 1
 +    echo "Opennic Tier2 TEST OK"
 +    rm -f test.txt
 +if [ -z "$($DIG -TD . soa | grep '^\[T\]' | grep SOA)" ] ; then
 +    echo "DNSSEC Test FAILED"
 +    exit 1
 +    echo "DNSSEC Test OK"
 +git commit -am "Serial: $serial"
  • /wiki/data/attic/user/gp68/unbound.1725296018.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by gp68