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webspaceproviders [2018-04-13T12:22:11Z] – Add FreeWHA to incompatible list albinowebspaceproviders [2024-10-06T03:28:55Z] (current) – Uberspace updates shroom
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-====== OpenNIC compatible webspace providers ======+====== OpenNIC Compatible Webspace Providers ======
 ===== Requirements for listing ===== ===== Requirements for listing =====
   * Provider needs to accept free or paid sign-ups using an automated or semi-automated sign-up form, no closed/invite-only groups   * Provider needs to accept free or paid sign-ups using an automated or semi-automated sign-up form, no closed/invite-only groups
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 ===== Known to be compatible ===== ===== Known to be compatible =====
-^ Provider ^ Revisited ^ Notes ^ +^ Provider ^ Tested/Revisited ^ Notes ^ 
-| [[https://uberspace.de/|Uberspace.de]] | [[https://wiki.uberspace.de/webserver:https#technische_hintergruende|2018-04-10]] by [[/user/fusl]] | Website and panel are only available in German language \\ [[https://uberspace.de/prices|Flexible pricing, minimum price is €1 per month]] |+| [[https://freehostingeu.com|FreeHostingEU.com]] | [[http://fheutest.cyb|2018-04-18]] by [[/user/albino]] | Requires a workaround, therefore not recommendable; see [[http://fheutest.cyb|here]] for details. |
 | [[https://pages.github.com|GitHub Pages]] | [[http://albino.cyb|2018-04-10]] by [[/user/albino]] | See 'A record' instructions [[https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-an-apex-domain/ | here]]. More info [[http://albino.cyb|here]]. | | [[https://pages.github.com|GitHub Pages]] | [[http://albino.cyb|2018-04-10]] by [[/user/albino]] | See 'A record' instructions [[https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-an-apex-domain/ | here]]. More info [[http://albino.cyb|here]]. |
 +| [[https://surge.sh|Surge]] | [[http://ankit.libre|2018-04-18]] by [[/user/ankit]] | Requires Nodejs based command line client to upload static websites.[[https://surge.sh/help|Documentation]]. See [[http://ankit.libre]]. |
 +| [[https://uberspace.de/|Uberspace.de]] | [[https://wiki.uberspace.de/webserver:https#technische_hintergruende|2024-10-06]] by [[/user/shroom]] | Website and panel are only available in German language \\ [[https://uberspace.de/prices|Flexible pricing, minimum price is €1 per month]] \\ OpenNIC sites can't use standard ports (80/443) due to https certificate issues but can use [[https://manual.uberspace.de/basics-ports/|non-reserved ports]]. |
 +| [[https://vercel.com/|Vercel]] | [[http://reddium.oss/|2021-12-14]] by [[/user/luqaska]] | Works fine with the CNAME and A records, but I didn't try with NS ones |
 +| Tested at [[https://interserver.net| Interserver.net]], should work as well with any CPanel hosting | [[http://libre.libre|2019-04-29]] by [[/user/antihierarchic]] | Interserver.net itself doesn't allow to create non-ICANN domains through its own DNS manager, but: log into CPanel - add Domain (A record is created, check CPanel Zone editor), then add this A record for the domain in OpenNic registration panel - tested and works with be.libre (.dyn, .geek, .gopher, .indy, .libre, .oss, .parody -all exept .pirate - don't know why) |
 ===== Known to be incompatible ===== ===== Known to be incompatible =====
-^ Provider ^ Revisited ^ Notes ^ +^ Provider ^ Tested/Revisited ^ Notes ^ 
-| [[https://www.lima-city.de/|lima-city]] | 2018-04-10 by [[/user/fusl]] | Website and panel are only available in German language |+| [[https://alwaysdata.com/|AlwaysData]] | 2021-12-05 by [[/user/luqaska]] | | 
 +| [[https://aternos.org/|Aternos]] | 2021-11-26 by [[/user/luqaska]] | Minecraft server hosting |
 | [[https://www.bplaced.net/|bplaced]] | 2018-04-10 by [[/user/fusl]] | | | [[https://www.bplaced.net/|bplaced]] | 2018-04-10 by [[/user/fusl]] | |
-| [[https://www.square7.ch/|Square7]] | 2018-04-10 by [[/user/fusl]] | +| [[https://freeflarum.com/|FreeFlarum]] | 2021-11-25 by [[/user/luqaska]] | Flarum forum hosting \\ [[https://github.com/gwillem/freeflarum.com/issues/298|They're not planning adding support to OpenNIC domains]] |
-[[https://x10hosting.com/|x10hosting]] | 2018-04-13 by [[/user/albino]] |+
 | [[https://www.freewebhostingarea.com/|FreeWHA]] | 2018-04-13 by [[/user/albino]] | | | [[https://www.freewebhostingarea.com/|FreeWHA]] | 2018-04-13 by [[/user/albino]] | |
 +| Tested on [[https://infinityfree.net/|InfinityFree]], shouldn't work on Hostgator other powered services¹ | 2021-11-26 by [[/user/luqaska]] | Webs hosted on this platform, will require you to enable JS and cookies. |
 +| [[https://www.lima-city.de/|lima-city]] | 2018-04-10 by [[/user/fusl]] | Website and panel are only available in German language |
 +| [[https://replit.com/|Replit]] | 2021-11-23 by [[/user/luqaska]] | |
 +| [[https://www.square7.ch/|Square7]] | 2018-04-10 by [[/user/fusl]] | |
 +| [[https://x10hosting.com/|x10hosting]] | 2018-04-13 by [[/user/albino]] | Temporally new users cannot register |
 ===== Not tested yet ===== ===== Not tested yet =====
-^ Provider ^ Revisited ^ Notes ^+^ Provider ^ Notes ^ 
 +| [[https://000webhost.com/|000webhost]] | | 
 +| [[https://aws.amazon.com/|Amazon Web Services]] | Services necessary for running a web server are paid-only | 
 +| [[https://codesandbox.io/|CodeSandbox]] | | 
 +| [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/|GitLab Pages]] | Requires linking credit card to GitLab account for use | 
 +| [[https://firebase.google.com/|Firebase]] | | 
 +| [[https://cloud.google.com/|Google Cloud]] | | 
 +| [[https://heroku.com/|Heroku]] | Paid-only | 
 +| [[https://www.hostinger.com/|Hostinger]] | Paid-only | 
 +| [[https://www.netlify.com/|Netlify]] | | 
 +| [[https://www.pythonanywhere.com/|PythonAnywhere]] | Only works with Python apps and to set up one, you have to get a paid plan | 
 +| [[https://wiroos.com/|Wiroos]] | Paid-only and website only available in Spanish | 
 +¹ Aeonfree, FreeHosting.com & Byet Host
  • /wiki/data/attic/webspaceproviders.1523622131.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by albino