
This is an old revision of the document!

Current OpenNIC Wiki Sutation

Or, “What happened to the WikkaWiki?”, or “What happened to”… or “Is the wiki down?”

  • The server on which the WikkaWiki software was hosted on is offline since 2017-04-04 due to a yet unknown reason
  • 2017-04-03T02:26:06Z <Angelica> Shdwdrgn: Thanks, I'll follow the instructions on wiki/API_BindACL is the last message from someone who successfully accessed the wiki.
  • 2017-04-04T13:39:35Z <Spruce> Is the server hosting the wiki down? is the first report of the Wiki being down

For this reason, I (fusl) have created a DokuWiki instance with a live mirror to Github / OpenNIC / WikiPages.

  • What happened to the server?
  • When will it come back online?
  • What's the status of the WikkaWiki database?
  • Will we ever see our again?
  • What will happen to the replacement Wiki in case the WikkaWiki wiki will ever come back online?\\Possibilities for this are:
    • The WikkaWiki instance will be completely replaced by dokuwiki (Requirements to be met are: LDAP authentication)
    • Changes to the wiki pages are backported to the WikkaWiki instance (Requirements to be met are: live mirroring to GitHub)
  • /wiki/data/attic/wiki/situation.1492044242.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 years ago
  • by fusl