
This is an old revision of the document!

Webmin provides more than just some webforms, it is part of a fully rounded virtualization and cloud platform. Virtualmin and Cloudmin are used to create complex networks, and they install on top of a brand new BIND instance. Webmin is the glue holding the networks together by installing its own perl-based web services and the standard GNU/Linux technology stack. Webmin is libre as most frameworks are, while Virtualmin and Cloudmin are the support-subscriptions keeping in business.

  • Internet Standards (RFCs) require 2 but recommend 3 BIND instances, on 2 independent networks (I use and recommend Linode and OVH).
  • Both IP4 and IP6 must be configured, Reverse DNS hostnames recommended. Port 53 for both TCP and UDP must be open (also TCP 22, 10000 for ssh and Webmin).

Start from a recent Debian release, ssh into the VPS and make sure locale are set:

  • /wiki/data/attic/opennic/setup/webmindind.1584278981.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by fouroh-llc